Wednesday, January 23, 2008

The Future

I often think about the future and what it has in store for my life. During those times, I tend to get excited and nervous for all the obvious reasons. In ten years, I would like to be married with children and have steady career. Those are the essentials that I would like to have nailed down. As for a particular carreer, I would like to be coaching baseball at either the high school or college level. If I was coaching in the high school ranks, I would also like to be heavily involved in the athletic department. I would like to be an assistant Athletic Director or AD of a high school. I don't have a particular high school, but I do know that I would like working in high school athletics. I also want to live close to my family so they can baby sit. I also want to be involved with a good church and continuing my spiritual growth.
As for the fantasy future in ten years, I would like to be a Head College Baseball Coach making at least 250K a year. I would like to have a tricked out house with a home movie theater in HD. I would like to be able to play golf at least four days a week in the off-season. In the off-season from baseball, I would like to travel to different parts of the US and various islands with blue water all over the world. This is just a glimpse of some luxoury that I would like to experience. This is the fantasy part of my life in ten years, but hey, I'm just dreaming big.

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