Friday, April 25, 2008


Dear 304 Students:

This class was a blast. Work hard and you will not have a problem in this class. Angie is great and very helpful. She will always be willing to give you advice and help you throughout the semester. You definitely picked the right teacher for English 304. I thought that this class would be dull and boring with a lot of writing. I was wrong from the first day of class because the whole class was lively and energetic. The group work was fun and a break from the typical group projects because it was actually an interesting topic. I had fun in this class and since you are reading this post for advice then I will say this: You don't need any advice because you already made the right decision in picking Angie Rogers as your professor.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Ethics Research

My groups ethics research centered around the topic of Eugenic Sterilization. Eugenic Sterilization was a practice that happened in the early 20th century. The practice consisted of sterlizing "inadequate" (persons with mental retardation etc.) human beings from reproducing. The reasoning behind this process of sterilization was to "rid society" of "incapable" human offspring. Our group viewed these actions and practice as an ethical dilemma. The angle that our group took on this assignment was to breakdown a previous lawsuit between a so called "lesser" citizen and the superintendent of the State Colony of epileptics and feeble minded. This case took place in the state of Virginia and then made its way to the Supreme Court.

Justice Holmes of the supreme court is our target in this assignment as he used dehumanizing language to describe Carrie Buck. He declared that Carrie Buck was a feeble minded person and the daughter of a feeble minded mother.

In enjoyed this assignment because it gave me the opportunity to learn something about history that I did not know already. I hope that our presentation on this subject goes well in class on monday. Overall I enjoyed this assignment.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Ethical Issues Article

After reviewing this article it is apparent that ethics play a tremendous role in today's workplace. I think that this article is on point because even the small or minor issues can be detrimental to a company's image, product, and/or relationships with customers. The fact that the statistics in the article are so high is alarming. Employees who face these ethical dilemma's are put in a bad position. Sometimes it is their own fault, but if I had to bet, the majority of the time it is caused by other things. For example, a boss could ask his/her book keeper to not record a cost till the next year in order to report a higher income for the current year. In this case the book keeper did not bring this on his/her self, but unfortunately he/she is now faced with an ethical dilemma that could have a major impact on the company, his/her own job, and other people related to the company. These types of situations happen everywhere according to LRN and their statistics are loud an in one's face. Ethical issues are important and should not be overlooked or devalued because it could be one's job or the whole company that goes down in flames.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Web Writing Compared to Paper Writing

First these two types of writing are different and the same. When writing on the web or in print you need to undertand your purpose, your audience, organize your thoughts, use plain language, and make sure your writing is free of typographical or grammatical errors. One of the biggest differences in writing on the web than on paper is writing information so that it can be scanned quickly and efficiently. Web readers do not want to read a novel, they want to be able to get through a web page with ease. It is also good to write the most important information or highlighted info at the begginning to gain the attention of the reader, then if they are interested they can read the latter of the information.
One of the most important things to consider when posting a document that was previously written for paper is to inform the reader of the document and its difference from the web page. It is also important to post the document as a pdf file so that it eases the reading on-line or makes it easier to print off.
Overall the biggest difference in posting content on the web from writing content on paper is the difference in ease of reading. On the web it is important to ease the reader because most web readers only scan.